Rackliffe House OPEN for the 2024 season: Tuesdays from 11-3 and Sundays 1-4 

Rackliffe House

Event Details

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Colonial Fair 2019

Colonial Fair – Join us on the lawn for a fun-filled day of demonstrations, food, crafts, vendors, colonial games from 11am-4pm

Traditional Pig Roast, Seasonal Items, Crafts, Apples & Apple Cider, Homemade Hand Pies, Fresh Eggs and Chickens, Antique Furnishings, Colonial Games to play and purchase.

Demonstrations and Presentations Include: Blacksmith, Basket Weaving, Beekeeping, Traditional Cooking, Cooking, Colonial Tools, Wool Spinning and Dyeing, Drop Spindle, Butter Making, Candle making, Milking Cows from Worcester County 4H and more…. FREE Admission

Thank you to our Sponsors and Grant Supporters