Rackliffe House OPEN for the 2024 season: Tuesdays from 11-3 and Sundays 1-4
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Colonial Fair – Join us on the lawn for a fun-filled day of demonstrations, food, crafts, vendors, colonial games from 11am-4pm
Traditional Pig Roast, Seasonal Items, Crafts, Apples & Apple Cider, Homemade Hand Pies, Fresh Eggs and Chickens, Antique Furnishings, Colonial Games to play and purchase.
Demonstrations and Presentations Include: Blacksmith, Basket Weaving, Beekeeping, Traditional Cooking, Cooking, Colonial Tools, Wool Spinning and Dyeing, Drop Spindle, Butter Making, Candle making, Milking Cows from Worcester County 4H and more…. FREE Admission